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Jack Linden (Mark Ruffalo) and Hank Evans (Peter Krause) are best friends who both teach at the same university in a small New England town. They both have young children and Jack's wife, Terry (Laura Dern) is close with Hank's wife, Edith (Naomi Watts). But while things appear happy on the surface, there are smouldering pockets of discontent underneath. Financial struggle and domestic boredom has drained the passion from Jack and Terry's marriage, while Hank's numerous infidelities and self-absorption has prompted Edith to find both comfort and sexual fulfilment with Jack. As Jack begins spending more and more time with Edith, it becomes obvious to Terry, whose anger culminates in a sexual encounter with Hank. Now that the deception has come full circle, both couples are left to decide the futures of their shattered unions...
南京名门望族罗氏家族三个同父异母和同母异父的兄弟,因上一代的情感恩怨天各一方。1937年,日军的蹄铁践踏中华大地,家破人亡、流离失所的三兄弟机缘巧合的再次相见。国难当头,三兄弟放弃个人恩怨,在兄长共产党员顾世民的带领下,利用各自优势所长,在抗战大业中屡立奇功。一次突发事件,罗也夫查出日军正在秘密研制“觉醒剂”化学武器,欲以自杀式人肉炸弹轰炸重庆指挥中心。罗也夫凭借自己的专业知识,勇敢地打入敌人内部。期间,他受到恋人的误解,同胞们的责骂,危机四伏的杀机。最后罗也夫、顾世民、罗也君三兄弟携手抗敌,凭借坚强的信念,不屈不饶的狼性精神,成功炸毁了日军化学武器军工厂 。


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