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瑜伽熊(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd 配音)和波波熊(贾斯汀·汀布莱克 Justin Timberlake 配音)是杰利石公园的人气动物,在风景怡人的杰利石公园里与众多动物小伙伴们一起生活,并为公园效力。然而时光荏苒,如今的杰利石公园正面临游客锐减的问题,与此同时,贪婪的布朗市长为了筹集资金填补赤字和为己所用,竟决定关闭杰利石公园,并出售土地。面对市长的阴谋和伙伴们的生存问题,瑜伽熊和波波熊决定联合起善良的瑞秋(安娜·法瑞丝 Anna Faris 配音),一同齐心协力,拯救公园。他们开始想尽办法吸引游客,恢复业绩,然而,事情却并非预想中那么简单……  本片改编自1961年同名动画连续剧。
Growing up in France i saw this cartoon when i was around 6. The series revolves around a girl who would meet different characters each show whilst being constantly pursued by a horrendous demon. This demon scared me immensely at the time, but i still loved the show for its overall brilliance. The opening song is pretty good as well. For anyone that likes fairy tales this is a definite must see cartoon. The style of the cartoon's colours as well are very unique and interesting. I always found myself cheering for Clementine as she seemed to be fighting the neverending battle of good and evil. That being said the demon dude was one hardcore looking bad guy    歌声响起来的时候,一切在尽眼前
The remake of the 1970 Neil Simon comedy follows the adventures of married couple Henry and Nancy Clark as they are vexed by misfortune while in New York City for a job interview.


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