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这一天,小老鼠杰瑞被汤姆追得慌不择路。突然,他听到附近传来了呼救声。声音来自大狗史派克(比利·布兰彻 Billy Bletcher 饰),他被捉狗队关进汽车里,只好哀求杰瑞帮他逃出牢笼。在杰瑞的帮助下,史派克重获自由,为了答谢小恩人,史派克承诺杰瑞遇到困难时,只要吹口哨他就会立刻赶到。不久,杰瑞落入汤姆的猫爪,眼看就要成了汤姆的早餐,杰瑞情急之中吹响口哨,史派克便如一阵风赶来,狠狠教训了汤姆。杰瑞屡试不爽,有了这个忠诚强大的保镖后他胆量大增,却不知汤姆已经想出绝佳的办法对付他……  本片是大狗史派克第二次出场,不过却是他首次开口说话。
Its Halloween 1989, best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what's left of their final Devil's Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn and awakening the evil inside. Now it's up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defeat the creatures that lurk within "The Barn".


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