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本集讲述博士和泰勒回到当代的伦敦渡过圣诞节。然而,外星人希克拉库斯(Sycorax)却在这时入侵地球。最终,因重生过后昏倒的博士及时醒来,击退入侵者。在英国,这集有980万人收看,并取得正面的评价。  这是扮演第十任博士的大卫·田纳特首次出演整部《神秘博士》剧集。此前,他在《背水一战》的最后一幕出场。同时,这是《神秘博士》首部的圣诞特辑。自此以后,BBC One每年均会制作一部圣诞版的《神秘博士》剧集。
When Tommy and Tuppence visit an elderly aunt in her nursing home, Tuppence is concerned by the odd behavior of some staff and residents. So when Tuppence hears about Aunt Ada's sudden death and the disappearance of her friend Mrs Lancaster, she realizes her concerns were right. Tuppence meets Miss Marple and together they follow a path of clues that lead them to the Norfolk village of Farrell St Edmund, where they find a community guarding an array of secrets. Only by getting to the bottom of these secrets do they begin to unravel the truth about the mystery of Aunt Ada's death and Mrs Lancaster's disappearance.
中国女子特战队临危受命,精英队长陈梓静(于文文 饰)率队员金凤(卢靖姗 饰)、齐燕(蒋璐霞 饰)、宁宝儿(屈菁菁 饰)全队出击,限时12小时境外极限营救!神秘人蝙蝠(余文乐 饰)狠辣强悍正邪难辨,营救任务难度远超想象。机械骨骼铠甲装备、境外恐怖组织侵扰、病毒危机、导弹威胁轮番上阵……女子特战队深陷危机泥潭,命悬一线。时间紧迫,危境当前,她们能否绝地反击,力挽狂澜?  影片根据真实事件改编,中国首部女子特战队实战电影。


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