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Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he discovers an artisanal distillery hidden in his grandfather's cellar.
Nora is a young tourist traveling through Rome which takes a sudden turn when she witnesses a murder by a serial killer that the police have sought for years for the so-called Alphabet Killings, and Nora soon finds herself in way-over-her-head trouble when the police want her cooperation to catch the killer while the mystery killer soon targets her for his next victim.
来自卓塔利亚的多朵夫•罗多尔,一个孤独的旅行者,他骑着长腿猪四处游走,漫无目的,不知前往何方。孤独沉默之人,日记是最好的倾诉对象。他的笔尖记录下旅途中的见闻轶事,充满了超现实的瑰丽、梦幻、神秘的色彩。有时,他渴望在山丘上的城堡落脚,可山丘却变成巨大的青蛙蹒跚而去;有时他坐在午夜的咖啡厅内,浓郁的咖啡杯中竟跃出一条鱼;有时,一头巨熊充当幕布为孩子们放送电影,播洒欢乐;有时,他又看到修长的兔男乘坐电车,飞向月亮所在的夜空。  如梦如幻的旅途,没有终点……


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