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想保住车和母亲留下房子的Uber司机Maddie(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 饰),答应了一对富豪夫妇的请求,替他们内向又古怪的19岁儿子Percy(安德鲁·巴特·费尔德曼 饰)在上大学之前破处,然而Maddie很快就发现事情并没有她想象中那么简单。
一声响指,宇宙间半数生命灰飞烟灭。几近绝望的复仇者们在惊奇队长(布丽·拉尔森 Brie Larson 饰)的帮助下找到灭霸(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)归隐之处,却得知六颗无限宝石均被销毁,希望彻底破灭。如是过了五年,迷失在量子领域的蚁人(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)意外回到现实世界,他的出现为幸存的复仇者们点燃了希望。与美国队长(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)冰释前嫌的托尼(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)找到了穿越时空的方法,星散各地的超级英雄再度集结,他们分别穿越不同的时代去搜集无限宝石。而在这一过程中,平行宇宙的灭霸察觉了他们的计划。  注定要载入史册的最终决战,超级英雄们为了心中恪守的信念前仆后继……
An exceptional documentary, Les Dessins d'Yves Saint Laurent by Loïc Prigent is an exclusive immersive and intimate glimpe from the perspective of Pierre Bergé, into the creative world of the couture designer through his numerous sketches. It's the perfect opportunity to rediscover his bold and elegant drawings with revolutionary style, but also to see drawings that have never been seen before, including a notebook of poems written and illustrated by the 14-year-old adolescent from Oran, Alegria that he was. A gem of a documentary, it's both sensitive and moving - to be savored.


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